About Us
We are the Chisinau Jewish Messianic Congregation “Bney Brit Hadasha”, translated from Hebrew as as “The Sons of the New Covenant”. This was the original name of the “Congregation of the New Testament Israelites”, founded in 1884 by Josef Rabinowitch in Chisinau (Kishinev). It was one of the very first jewish congregations in Europe where jews, while still remaining “Jews”, were able to confess that Yeshua from Nazareth – is our older Brother and Messiah.

Almighty God has given us, the Jewish people, a special day of rest – the Shabbat, His Holy Day. Every Saturday we gather together to joyfully celebrate the Shabbat, according to His commandment.
Whether you set this day apart, following the jewish Shabbat traditions, or, perhaps, you have never followed the tradition of our ancestors, you and your family are warmly invited to share the joy of Shabbat with us.
Spiritual growth
Everyone who is interested in personal growth and development should know which direction this growth is possible and what are the steps towards it.
Discipleship groups
Classic groups and interest groups. Find what suits you.
Alpha Course
Courses for young people as well as for spouses. This practice will change your life.
Activities for children
One of our unique projects for the education and development of children.

Support our community
Donate for our activities and projects.
Our seminars
The Seminars’ goal is to impart blessings and spread a culture of blessing in our society.

Blessed Generations
Through this seminar, you can receive a revelation of the truth that will bring you freedom and prosperity for your descendants ...

Question of Life and Death
The seminar "A Question of Life and Death" is intended for adolescents from 15 years old and young people, and helps young men and women ...

Seminar Victory over anger
What to do with your anger? Control, tame, manage, or let it be released? ..